[카테고리:] Study
[Ethereum] 트랜잭션과 서명
트랜잭션 T는 다음 data를 포함한다.
T = { nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, v, r, s }
- nonce: 보내는 EOA(External Owned Account) 의 counter.
- 중간에 생략되면 생략된 nonce가 와서 유효하게 처리되기 전까지 이후의 nonce를 가지는 트랜잭션은 mempool에 저장되었다가 처리 후 유효하게 된다.
- gasPrice: 발신자가 보내는 가스의 가격. 단위는 wei.
- 0도 가능. 높을 수록 해당 트랜잭션이 빨리 처리됨.
- gasLimit: 이 트랜잭션을 위해 구입할 가스의 최대량
- 21000 gas. 이더 소비량 = 21000 * gasPrice
- to: 수신 이더리움 address (20 bytes)
- value: 수신처에 보낼 이더의 양
- data: 가변 길이 data payload
- to가 contract address라면, 4 bytes의
function selector
와 그 이후의function argument
를 serialize한 data이다.function selector = (keccak-256(function prototype))[0:4]
- to가 contract address라면, 4 bytes의
- v, r, s: EOA의 ECDSA 디지털 서명의 구성 요소
서명 시 사용되는 트랜잭션 T는 9개 필드로 다음과 같다. 이 중 맨 끝의 3개 { chainID, 0, 0 }은 EIP-155에 의해 추가된다. EIP-155는 Simple Replay Attack Protection으로 chainID를 포함하여 다른 네트워크 체인에서 해당 트랜잭션이 replay될 수 없도록 한다.
T = { nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, chainID, 0, 0 }
Sig는 서명으로 서명 알고리즘, F sig() 로 (r, s) 두 값이 output으로 만들어진다. Transaction T와 private key k를 사용한다. RLP는 Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) encoding scheme 을 말한다.
Sig = F sig(keccak256(RLP(T)), k) = (r, s)
서명 시에는 임시 private key q, 그리고 q로부터 생성되는 임시 public key Q 를 사용한다.
q = rand() % 2**256
Q = q * K = (x, y)
여기서 r = Q의 x 좌표이다. s는 다음으로 계산된다.
s ≡ q**-1 (Keccak-256(RLP(T)) + r * k) mod p
서명 검증
r, s 그리고 sender의 public key K를 사용해서 Q를 계산한다. Q의 x 좌표와 r이 같으면 서명이 유효하다.
w = s**-1 mod p
u1 = Keccak-256(RLP(T)) * w mod p
u2 = r * w mod p
Q ≡ u1 * G + u2 * K (mod p)
참고: https://github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook/blob/develop/06transactions.asciidoc
Mastering Ethereum
https://github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook 에서 최신판을 볼 수 있다.
현재 판매되는 서적은 이전 내용을 담고 있다.
[English] Put on your shoes and put your shoes on (Two-Word Verbs 2)
two-word 동사(put on / take off, etc.)는 가끔 목적어object를 가진다. Sometimes a two-verb (put on / take off, etc.) has an object.
put on your coat
이렇게 쓸 수 있다:
put on your coat
put your coat on
take off your shoes
이렇게 쓸 수 있다:
take off your shoes
take your shoes off
그러나 it/them (대명사pronouns)는 언제나 on/off, etc. 앞에 온다. But it/them (pronouns) always go before on/off, etc:
put it on (not put on it)
take them off (not take off them)
- It was cold, so I put on my coat. or … I put my coat on.
- Here’s your coat. Put it on.
- I’m going to take off my shoes. or … take my shoes off.
- Your shoes are dirty. Take them off.
더 많은 two-word 동사verbs + 목적어object. More two-word verbs + objects
turn on / turn off (lights, machines, faucets, etc.)
- It was dark, so I turned on the light. or … I turned the light on.
- I don’t want to watch this program. You can turn it off.
pick up / put down
- Those are my keys on the floor. Can you pick them up for me?
- I stopped reading and put my book down. or … put down my book.
bring back / take back / give back / put back
- You can take my umbrella but please bring it back.
- I took my new sweater back to the store. It was too small.
- I have Diane’s keys. I have to give them back to her.
- I read the letter and then put it back in the envelope.
[English] Go in, fall off, run away, etc. (Two-Word Verbs 1)
Two-word 동사는 동사 (go/look/be, etc.) + in/out/down, etc.이다. A two-word verb is a verb (go/look/be, etc.) + in/out/up/down, etc.
- Erin opened the door of the car and got in. (= into the car)
- I waited outside the house. I didn’t go in.
- The car stopped and two women got out. (= out of the car)
- I went to the window and looked out.
- The bus came, and I got on.
- Be careful! Don’t fall off.
- He stood up and left the room.
- I usually get up early. (= get out of bed)
- We looked up at the stars.
- Would you like to sit down?
- The picture fell down.
- Lie down on the floor.
away or off
- The thief ran away. (or … ran off)
- Erin got into the car and drove away. (or … drove off)
be/go away (= in/to another place)
- Erin has gone away for a few days.
- We went out for dinner and then went back to our hotel.
- Go away and don’t come back!
be back
- Erin is away. She’ll be back on Monday.
- I’m not sure what kind of car I want. I want to look around first.
- Somebody shouted my name, so I turned around.
- We went for a long walk. After six miles we turned around and went back.
[English] Listen to …, look at …, etc. (Verb + Preposition)
ask somebody for …
- A man stopped me and asked me for money.
belong to …
- Does this book belong to you? (= Is this your book?)
happen to …
- I can’t find my pen. What happened to it?
listen to …
- Listen to this music. It’s great!
look at …
- She’s looking at her watch.
- Look at these flowers! They’re beautiful.
- Why are you looking at me like that?
look for …
- He lost his key. He’s looking for it.
- I’m looking for Sarah. Have you seen her?
speak/talk to somebody about …
- Did you talk to Paul about the problem?
- (on the phone) Can I speak to Chris, please?
take care of …
- When Pat is at work, a friend of hers takes care of her children.
- Don’t lose this book. Take care of it.
thank somebody for …
- Thank you very much for your help.
think about … or think of …
- He never thinks about (or of) other people.
- Mark is thinking of (or about) buying a new car.
wait for …
- Wait for me! I’m almost ready.
write and call
write (to) somebody
- I never get letters. Nobody writes to me. (or Nobody writes me.)
call somebody (no preposition)
- I have to call my parents. (not call to …)
depend on으로 말한다. We say depend on …:
- A: Do you like to eat in restaurants?
B: Sometimes. It depends on the restaurant. (not it depends of)
on을 쓰거나 안써서 it depends what/where/how로 말할 수 있다. it depends what/where/how, etc., with or without on.
- A: Do you want to go out with us?
B: It depends where you’re going. (or It depends on where you’re going.)
[English] Afraid of, good at, etc. (Adjective + Preposition) At -ing, with -ing, etc (Preposition + -ing)
afraid of / good at, etc. (adjective + preposition)
afraid of …
- Are you afraid of dogs?
angry/mad at somebody / angry/mad about something
- Why are you mad at me? What did I do?
- Are you angry about last night? (= something that happened last night)
different from … / different than …
- Lynn is very different from her sister. or Lynn is very different than her sister.
full of …
- The room was full of people.
good at … / bad at …
- Are you good at math?
- Tina is very bad at writing letters.
interested in …
- I’m not interested in sports.
married to …
- Sue is married to a dentist. (= her husband is a dentist)
nice/kind of somebody to … / nice/kind to somebody
- It was kind of you to help us. Thank you very much.
- David is very friendly. He’s always very nice to me.
sorry about something / sorry for somebody
- I’m sorry about your accident. Was anyone hurt?
- I feel sorry for them. They work hard, but they never have enough money.
tired of …
- I’m tired of my job. I need a change.
Preposition + -ing
전치사preposition (at/with/for, etc.) 뒤에는 -ing 로 끝나는 동사. After a preposition (at/with/for, etc.), a verb ends in -ing.
I’m not very good at + telling + stories
Are you tried of + doing + the same thing every day?
Thank you for + helping + me.
Mark is thinking of + buying + a new car.
Tom left without + saying + goodbye. (= he didn’t say goodbye)
After + doing + the housework, they went out.
[English] On, at, by, with, and about
on vacation
on television
on the radio
on the phone
on fire
on time (= not late)
- Tracy isn’t at work this week. She’s on vacation.
- We watched the news on television.
- We listened to the news on the radio.
- I spoke to Carol on the phone last night.
- The house is on fire! Call the fire department.
- ”Was the train late?” “No, it was on time.”
at (the age of) 21 / at 50 kilometers an hour / at 100 degrees, etc.
- Lisa got married at 21. (or … at the age of 21)
- A car uses more gas at 70 miles an hour than at 55.
- Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
by car / by bus / by plane (or by air) / by boat / by bicycle, etc.
- Do you like traveling by train?
- Can you get there by bike?
그러나 도보로는 on foot. But: on foot
- You can’t get there by car. You have to go on foot.
a book by … / a painting by … / a piece of music by …, etc.
(the tile) by (the writer)
- Have you read any books by Charles Dickens?
- Who is that painting by? Picasso?
수동태 다음에 by. by after the passive
- I was bitten by a dog.
with / without
- Did you stay at a hotel or with friends?
- Wait for me. Please don’t go without me.
- Do you like your coffee with or without milk?
- I cut the paper with a pair of scissors.
a main with a beard / a woman with glasses, etc.
- Do you know that man with the beard?
- I’d like to have a house with a big yard.
talk/speak/think/hear/know about …
- Some people talk about their work all the time.
- I don’t know much about cars.
a book / a question / a program (etc.) about …
- Did you see the program about computers on TV last night?
[English] Up, over, through, etc.
to / from
- Tracy is going to Hawaii next week.
- We walked from the hotel to the restaurant.
- A lot of English words come from Latin.
into (in) / out of
- We jumped into the water.
- A man came out of the house and got into a car.
- Why are you looking out of the window?
- I took the old batteries out of the radio.
put something에는 (보통 into가 아니고) in …을 쓴다. We say put something in … (not usually into).
- I put new batteries in the radio.
on / off
- Don’t put your feet on the table.
- Please take your feet off the table.
- I’m going to hang some pictures on the wall.
- Be careful! Don’t fall off your bicycle.
- We got on the bus downtown.
up / down
- We walked up the hill to the house.
- Be careful! Don’t fall down the stairs.
over / under
- The plane flew over the mountains.
- I climbed over the wall into the yard.
- Some people say it is unlucky to walk under a ladder.
through / around
- A bird flew into the room through a window.
- The old highway goes through the city.
- The new highway goes around the city.
- The bus stop is just around the corner.
- I walked around the town and took some pictures.
along / across
- I was walking along the street with my dog.
- Let’s go for a walk along the river.
- The dog swam across the river.
- They walked past me without speaking.
- A: Excuse me, how do I get to the hospital?
B: Go along this street, past the movie theater, under the bridge, and the hospital is on the left.
[English] Next to, between, under, etc.
next to / between / in front of / in back of
- Adam is next to Bob.
- Bob is between Adam and Carla.
- Don is in front of Bob.
- Carla is in back of Don.
- Adam is on the left.
- Ellen is on the right.
- Don is in the middle (of the group).
across from / in front of
- Anne is sitting in front of Bruce.
- Anne is sitting across from Christa.
- Christa is sitting across from Anne.
by (= next to)
- Our house is by the ocean. (= next to the ocean)
- Who is that man by the window?
- ”Is there a pay phone here? “Yes, by the door.”
- The cat is under the table.
- The girl is standing under a tree.
- I’m wearing a jacket under my coat.
above and below
- A is above the line. (= higher than the line)
- B is below the line. (= lower than the line)
- The pictures are above the shelves.
- The shelves are below the pictures.