[WinMerge] Linux Kernel 디렉토리 비교를 위한 Filter

커널은 빌드하면 .cmd 같은게 나와서 디렉토리로 비교하면 저런거 때문에 더럽다.

그래서 필터에 .cmd 같은거 추가해서 쓰면 된다~

다음을 Linux.flt 같은걸로 저장해서 필터 있는데다 같이 넣어주자~

## This is a directory/file filter template for WinMerge
name: Linux
desc: for Linux kernel
## Select if filter is inclusive or exclusive
## Inclusive (loose) filter lets through all items not matching rules
## Exclusive filter lets through only items that match to rule
## include or exclude
def: include
## Filters for filenames begin with f:
## Filters for directories begin with d:
## (Inline comments begin with ” ##” and extend to the end of the line)
f: \.o$
f: \.lib$
f: \.bak$ ## backup
f: \.cmd$
d: \\cvs$ ## CVS control directory