[English] Go in, fall off, run away, etc. (Two-Word Verbs 1)

Two-word 동사는 동사 (go/look/be, etc.) + in/out/down, etc.이다. A two-word verb is a verb (go/look/be, etc.) + in/out/up/down, etc.


  • Erin opened the door of the car and got in. (= into the car)
  • I waited outside the house. I didn’t go in.


  • The car stopped and two women got out. (= out of the car)
  • I went to the window and looked out.


  • The bus came, and I got on.


  • Be careful! Don’t fall off.


  • He stood up and left the room.
  • I usually get up early. (= get out of bed)
  • We looked up at the stars.


  • Would you like to sit down?
  • The picture fell down.
  • Lie down on the floor.

away or off

  • The thief ran away. (or … ran off)
  • Erin got into the car and drove away. (ordrove off)

be/go away (= in/to another place)

  • Erin has gone away for a few days.


  • We went out for dinner and then went back to our hotel.
  • Go away and don’t come back!

be back

  • Erin is away. She’ll be back on Monday.


  • I’m not sure what kind of car I want. I want to look around first.
  • Somebody shouted my name, so I turned around.
  • We went for a long walk. After six miles we turned around and went back.

[Microsoft Word] 이전 위치로 돌아가기 단축키

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Ctrl + Alt + ‘Z’: 이전 커서 위치

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참고: https://superuser.com/questions/938328/is-there-a-keyboard-shortcut-to-return-to-previous-position