[apt] GPG error: https://cli.github.com/packages stable InRelease 에러

apt-get update를 했는데 다음과 같은 에러가 난다.

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://cli.github.com/packages stable InRelease: 다음 서명이 올바르지 않습니다: EXPKEYSIG 23F3D4EA75716059 GitHub CLI <opensource+cli@github.com>
W: https://cli.github.com/packages/dists/stable/InRelease 파일을 받는데 실패했습니다  다음 서명이 올바르지 않습니다: EXPKEYSIG 23F3D4EA75716059 GitHub CLI <opensource+cli@github.com>
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

기존 서명 키 삭제

sudo rm /usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg

최신 키 다운로드 및 설치

curl -fsSL https://cli.github.com/packages/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null
sudo chmod go+r /usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg

/etc/apt/sources.list.d/github-cli.list 파일 안에는 이렇게 되어 있다.

deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg] https://cli.github.com/packages stable main

[git] send-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet 에러 발생 시

git push 를 했을 때, 내용이 많은 경우 다음과 같은 에러가 날 때가 있다.

error: RPC failed; HTTP 400 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 400
send-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet

이 경우, http.postBuffer를 다음과 같이 늘려준다. 아래는 150MB.

git config --global http.postBuffer 157286400

참고: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66366582/github-unexpected-disconnect-while-reading-sideband-packet

[Solidity] Panic exception code

  1. 0x00: Used for generic compiler inserted panics.
  2. 0x01: If you call assert with an argument that evaluates to false.
  3. 0x11: If an arithmetic operation results in underflow or overflow outside of an unchecked { ... } block.
  4. 0x12; If you divide or modulo by zero (e.g. 5 / 0 or 23 % 0).
  5. 0x21: If you convert a value that is too big or negative into an enum type.
  6. 0x22: If you access a storage byte array that is incorrectly encoded.
  7. 0x31: If you call .pop() on an empty array.
  8. 0x32: If you access an array, bytesN or an array slice at an out-of-bounds or negative index (i.e. x[i] where i >= x.length or i < 0).
  9. 0x41: If you allocate too much memory or create an array that is too large.
  10. 0x51: If you call a zero-initialized variable of internal function type.

from https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/control-structures.html#panic-via-assert-and-error-via-require

[Ubuntu] Bkouen MiniPC에 우분투 22.04 설치 후 발생했던 문제들 해결

Bkouen Mini PC에 Ubuntu 22.04.01 server edition에 ubuntu-desktop을 설치한 이후 발생하는 문제들을 해결한 기록이다.

PCIe Bus 에러 발생 처리

아래의 ACPI Error가 난다. 그 후 이더넷 포트에 네트워크 케이블을 연결해두면 로그가 계속 찍히면서 콘솔을 사용할 수 없게 된다.

Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.383989] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: DPC: error containment capabilities: Int Msg #0, RPExt+ PoisonedTLP+ SwTrigger+ RP PIO Log 4, DL_ActiveErr+
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.384278] pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: PME: Signaling with IRQ 123
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.384343] pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: AER: enabled with IRQ 123
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.384387] pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: DPC: enabled with IRQ 123
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.384390] pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: DPC: error containment capabilities: Int Msg #0, RPExt+ PoisonedTLP+ SwTrigger+ RP PIO Log 4, DL_ActiveErr+
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.384652] pcieport 0000:00:1c.4: PME: Signaling with IRQ 124
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.384711] pcieport 0000:00:1c.4: AER: enabled with IRQ 124
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.384753] pcieport 0000:00:1c.4: DPC: enabled with IRQ 124
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.384756] pcieport 0000:00:1c.4: DPC: error containment capabilities: Int Msg #0, RPExt+ PoisonedTLP+ SwTrigger+ RP PIO Log 4, DL_ActiveErr+


Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385872] ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\\_SB.PR00._CPC], AE_NOT_FOUND (20210730/psargs-330)
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385883]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385885] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_CPC]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385887]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385889] No Arguments are initialized for method [_CPC]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385891]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385893] ACPI Error: Aborting method \\_SB.PR01._CPC due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20210730/psparse-529)
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385945] ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\\_SB.PR00._CPC], AE_NOT_FOUND (20210730/psargs-330)
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385952]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385953] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_CPC]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385955]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385956] No Arguments are initialized for method [_CPC]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385958]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.385960] ACPI Error: Aborting method \\_SB.PR02._CPC due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20210730/psparse-529)
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.386007] ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\\_SB.PR00._CPC], AE_NOT_FOUND (20210730/psargs-330)
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.386013]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.386015] No Local Variables are initialized for Method [_CPC]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.386016]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.386018] No Arguments are initialized for method [_CPC]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.386019]
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.386021] ACPI Error: Aborting method \\_SB.PR03._CPC due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20210730/psparse-529)
Feb 25 20:03:27 nas-ubuntu kernel: [    0.386410] ACPI: \\_TZ_.TZ00: Invalid active0 threshold

Troubleshooting PCIe Bus Error severity Corrected on Ubuntu and Linux Mint

네트워크 케이블을 빼두고, 위 링크의 첫번째 해결책(Handling PCIe Bus Error messages if you can boot in to your Linux system)을 사용한다. Disable MSI 해결 방법의 경우 부팅이 안됐다.

# cp /etc/default/grub ~/grub.back
$ sudo vi /etc/default/grub



아래 명령으로 grub을 업데이트한다.

$ sudo update-grub

위의 방법(”pci=noaer”)은 그냥 ‘Advanced Error Reporting’ 을 disable하는 것이다.

아래 내용도 참고하자. BIOS가 책임져야 하므로 커널 문제는 아니라고 한다. 위의 해결책을 적용해도 커널 로그에 에러는 여전히 찍힌다.

[Solved] ACPI errors during boot – Linux Mint Forums

sssd 설정

아래와 같은 sssd 실패 메시지가 보인다.

에러 메시지는 다음과 같다.

[DEPEND] Dependency failed for SSSD NSS Service responder socket.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for SSSD AutoFS Service responder socket.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for SSSD PAC Service responder socket.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for SSSD PAM Service responder private socket.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for SSSD PAM Service responder socket.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for SSSD SSM Service responder socket.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for SSSD Sudo Service responder socket.

sssd.conf 설정 파일을 /etc/sssd/ 아래에 넣자

$ sudo cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sssd/conf/sssd.conf /etc/sssd/
$ sudo chmod 600 /etc/sssd/sssd.conf 
$ sudo systemctl enable sssd
$ sudo systemctl status sssd
$ sudo systemctl start sssd
$ sudo systemctl status sssd

reboot 나 halt 불가 해결

대기 모드 진입했다 다시 사용했다 하면 갑자기 GUI 진입 후 shell 에서 입력 출력 에러가 나오고, reboot나 halt도 안먹는다. 이런 에러가 나온다.

[!!!!!!] Failed to execute shutdown binary.

[22.04][EHL] can not shutdown and reboot

위 링크의 해결책을 사용했다.

sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

아래 줄을 추가한다.

blacklist pinctrl_elkhartlake

이후 아래 명령을 실행한다.

sudo update-initramfs -u

그리고 재부팅.

우분투 8.04(Hardy Heron)에서 Eclipse 사용시..

우분투 8.04에서 Eclipse 사용 시 다음과 같은 메시지가 뜬다면!

Could not initialize the application’s security component. The most
likely cause is problems with files in your application’s profile
directory. Please check that this directory has no read/write
restrictions and your hard disk is not full or close to full. It is
recommended that you exit the application and fix the problem. If you
continue to use this session, you might see incorrect application
behaviour when accessing security features.

$HOME/.mozilla/eclipse 폴더를 수동으로 만들어 주시면 됩니다.

출처 : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/188380